Dear Students, Families and Local Businesses,
Together with GVC’s principals and staff, the Garden Valley Collegiate Advisory Council (GVCAC)
is announcing that we are applying for a Building Sustainable Communities Program grant. This grant is in place to help support GVC’s school goal, Community Partnerships. With this grant, we hope to help turn GVC’s front yard, which is one of most prominent greenspaces on Main Street, into a beautiful space available for student and community member use. We are working with a local landscape artist and a local contractor to help us visualize our goal.
Should we be successfully chosen for this grant, the community could see the following on GVC’s front lawn:
- A large picnic shelter
- A path from Main Street through the space
- Shade trees and Benches
Unfortunately, the grant deadline is fast approaching and there is still a lot we need to do. In order to be eligible for the grant, we would need your help. Here’s what we need from you:
- Letters of support from the community would mean a lot.
- If you believe that the upgrade to this space would help our community, please let us know by mailing us a letter or emailing us your thoughts and will submit it with our application to the Building Sustainable Communities Program.
- We could use your donations.
- Financial support, both large and small, would demonstrate that the community is in support of this project. The Building Sustainable Communities Program Grant, if we are approved, could match the donations up to $75,000.
- As a not-for-profit organization, GVSD could provide a tax receipt for all donations $20.00 or more.
- Cheques are payable to Garden Valley School Division (GVSD) and can be dropped off or mailed to GVC. Tax Receipts will be mailed out.
- We need you to help us quickly.
- The deadline to submit letters and financial support is January 11, 2023.
We believe that we are better when we work together. Any support (via letters or financially) could move us closer to achieving this goal. Let’s partner with GVC to help make our community stronger. If you have questions, or wish to submit letters, please contact:
• Marilyn Hart: Grant Chairperson [email protected]
• Barb Heide: GVCAC Chair person [email protected]
• Carrie Friesen: Principal GVC [email protected]
Thanks in advance,
Barb Heide - GVCAC Chair person
Marilyn Hart- Grant Chairperson